847-244-3600 info@Amerikal.com

Genesis® VEA
Printing Lubricant

VEA – The Pressmans “Secret Sauce”

With multiple uses including…

  • Enhancing Ink Transfer
  • Tack Reducer
  • Roller Lubricant
  • Ink Film Stability Enhancer
  • Anti-Skin
  • Roll-Up Aid

Transfer is the Key!

With high-solid inks dominating the energy curable market, many presses struggle to transfer the pigment down the ink train.

In fact, you will find that with the damps off, many inks struggle to transfer at all.

Try it yourself — turn off the damps.  After an initial flood, the color will simply fade away.  Mix in 1/8 – 1/4 oz of VEA per pound of ink and you will be amazed how transfer returns.

Even with normal printing, see how much deeper and more vibrant your colors are.

Genesis® VEA Compliance

• VOC Method 24: ZERO
• ZERO SARA Title 313 Chemicals
• ZERO Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP’s)
• Meets SCAQMD Rule 1171 Requirements
  and California Prop 65

VEA uses are not limited to ink transfer

As a tack-reducer and roll-up-aid, it can save $1,000’s on restarts.

Web presses can be a challenge to get running, especially if you have wet, tacky ink on the blankets.
However, a quick spray with VEA makes web-breaks and wrap-ups during restart a thing of the past.


Adopt the Genesis® range of pressroom chemicals TODAY!

Press Chemicals that work together to enhance the lithographic process

Put VEA In Your Printers Toolbox